Workflows setup
BuildBuddy Workflows is a Continuous Integration (CI) solution for Bazel repositories hosted on GitHub.
BuildBuddy Workflows are specifically designed for Bazel builds, and are tightly integrated with BuildBuddy RBE and Remote Caching, making them significantly faster than other CI options. (See for more details on the benefits of Workflows.)
Workflows automatically build and test your code with BuildBuddy whenever a commit is pushed to your GitHub repo.
When combined with GitHub's branch protection rules, workflows can help prevent unwanted code (that doesn't build or pass tests) from being merged into the main branch.
Best of all, workflows let you run any Bazel commands you would like, so you can leverage all the same BuildBuddy features that you get when running Bazel locally, like the results UI, remote caching, remote execution.
Enable workflows for a repo
To enable workflows, take the following steps:
- Log in to the BuildBuddy app, and use the organization picker in the sidebar to select your preferred organization.
- Navigate to the Workflows page using the sidebar.
- Click Link a repository, then follow the steps displayed in the app.
Running workflows
Once a repository is linked, BuildBuddy will automatically run bazel test //...
whenever a commit is pushed to your repo's default branch
or whenever a pull request branch is updated. It will report commit
statuses to GitHub, which you can see on the repo's home page or in pull
request branches. The "Details" links in these statuses point to the
BuildBuddy UI, where you can see the result of the workflow run.
Configuring your workflow
To learn how to change the default configuration, see workflows configuration.
Setting up branch protection rules
After you have created a workflow and you've pushed at least one commit to the repo, you can configure your repo so that branches cannot be merged unless the workflow succeeds.
To do this, go to Settings > Branches and find Branch protection rules. Then, you click Add rule (or edit an existing rule).
Select the box Require status checks to pass before merging and enable the check corresponding to the BuildBuddy workflow (by default, this should be Test all targets).
After you save your changes, pull requests will not be mergeable unless the tests pass on BuildBuddy.
Building in the workflow runner environment
BuildBuddy workflows execute using a Firecracker MicroVM on an Ubuntu 18.04-based image, with some commonly used tools and libraries pre-installed.
If you would like to test whether your build will succeed on
BuildBuddy workflows without having to set up and trigger the workflow,
you can get a good approximation of the workflow VM environment by running
the image locally with Docker, cloning your Git repo, and invoking
to run your tests:
# Start a new shell inside the workflows Ubuntu 18.04 environment (requires docker)
docker run --rm -it ""
# Clone your repo and test it
git clone
cd acme
bazel test //...
The Dockerfile we use to build the image (at HEAD
) is here.
If you plan to use the Ubuntu 20.04 image (requires advanced configuration), use
in the command