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Auth Configuration

Auth is only configurable in the Enterprise version of BuildBuddy.



auth: The Auth section enables BuildBuddy authentication using an OpenID Connect provider that you specify. Optional


  • oauth_providers: A list of configured OAuth Providers.
    • issuer_url: The issuer URL of this OIDC Provider.
    • client_id: The oauth client ID.
    • client_secret: The oauth client secret.
  • enable_anonymous_usage: If true, unauthenticated build uploads will still be allowed but won't be associated with your organization.

Redirect URL

If during your OpenID provider configuration you're asked to enter a Redirect URL, you should enter https://YOUR_BUILDBUDDY_URL/auth/. For example if your BuildBuddy instance was hosted on, you'd enter as your redirect url.

OIDC Examples

Google auth provider

If you'd like to use Google as an auth provider, you can easily obtain your client id and client secret here.


- issuer_url: ""
client_id: ""
client_secret: "sEcRetKeYgOeShErE"

Gitlab auth provider

You can use Gitlab as an OIDC identity provider for BuildBuddy. This feature is available for both Gitlab On-Prem Deployment and Gitlab SaaS offering.

For more details, please refer to Gitlab's latest Official Documentation

Note: Because Gitlab has yet to support refresh tokens, you need to configure BuildBuddy to not request the offline_access scope from Gitlab:

disable_refresh_token: true


Once the Gitlab application is created, you can configure it as a BuildBuddy auth provider like so:

- issuer_url: ""

Azure AD provider

  1. Navigate to the Azure Portal. If there are multiple Azure AD tenants available, select the tenant that will be using BuildBuddy.

  2. Register a BuildBuddy application:

    • Search for and select Azure Active Directory
    • Under Manage, select App registration -> New registration
    • Enter BuildBuddy for application name.
    • Select the account types in Azure AD that should have access to BuildBuddy. Usually Accounts in this organizational directory only is correct for the single-tenant use case, "Accounts in any organizational directory" is correct for the multi-tenant use case.
    • Redirect URI should be https://YOUR_BUILDBUDDY_URL/auth/ with Web platform.
    • Click Register
    • Take note of Application (client) ID and Directory (tenant) ID.
  3. Configure Application Secret

    • Click on Certificates & secrets -> Client secrets -> New client secret We recommend set the expiry date of the secret to 12 months.
    • Click Add -> Take note of the Value of the newly created secret.
  4. Configure Application API scope

    • Navigate to API permissions
    • Select Add a permission -> Microsoft Graph -> Delegated permission
    • In OpenId permissions, select email, offline_access, openid, profile.
    • In User, select User.Read
    • Click Add permissions
  5. After that, your BuildBuddy config should be like this

    - issuer_url: "<DIRECTORY_ID>/v2.0"
    client_id: "<CLIENT_ID>"
    client_secret: "<CLIENT_SECRET>"

SAML 2.0

SAML 2.0 authentication is avaliable for BuildBuddy Cloud (SaaS).

Okta SAML provider

  1. Find your organization's short name (slug) in your BuildBuddy Organization Settings and replace instances of <org-slug> below with this value.

  2. On the Okta Applications page, click Create App Integration, select SAML 2.0.

  3. Enter BuildBuddy and hit Next.

  4. Enter the following fields under General, making sure to replace <org-slug> with the value froms step 1:

    a. For Single sign on URL enter:<org-slug>

    b. For Audience URI (SP Entity ID) enter:<org-slug>

  5. Add an Attribute Statement to map email and value

  6. Click Finish.

  7. Under Metadata URL click copy and share this URL (which should have the format with BuildBuddy support.

Azure AD / Entra SAML provider

  1. Find your organization's short name (slug) in your BuildBuddy Organization Settings and replace instances of <org-slug> below with this value.

  2. Visit the Entra portal page, navigate to Applications -> Enterprise applications.

  3. Click New application.

  4. Click Create your own application.

  5. Enter BuildBuddy for the name and hit Create.

  6. In the newly created appliction view, navigate to Single sign-on and select SAML.

  7. Click on Edit in the first section Basic SAML Configuration.

    a. Identified (Entity ID) should be<org-slug>.

    b. Reply URL (Assertion Consumer Service URL) should be<org-slug>.

    c. Sign on URL should be<org-slug>.

    d. Hit Save button.

  8. Click on Edit in the second section Attributes & Claims.

    a. Select Add new claim.

    b. For Name, fill in email.

    c. For Source select Attribute and for Source attribute, search and select user.mail.

    d. Hit the Save button.

  9. In the 3rd section SAML Certificates, copy the App Federation Metadata Url and share it with BuildBuddy support.

Other providers

  • Find the short name (slug) for your organization in your BuildBuddy Organization Settings.

  • Assertion Consumer Service (ACS) URL:<org-slug>

  • Audience URL (SP Entity ID):<org-slug>

  • Make sure the email attribute is mapped to (or equivalent).

Once the app is created, share the Identity Provider Metadata URL with BuildBuddy support.

User management via SCIM

Users can be provisioned and deprovisioned within BuildBuddy by external auth providers using the SCIM API.

First, create an API key that will be used for managing users on the organization settings page. Select "Org admin key" as the key type.


  1. First, we will add a custom User attribute that will determine the role of the synced user.

    1. Open the Profile Editor page in Okta.

    2. Select the User (default) profile.

    3. Add a new attribute with the following settings:

      Display name: BuildBuddy role

      Variable name: buildBuddyRole

  2. Within Okta, open the BuildBuddy application that was created for SAML integration.

  3. Edit the App Settings on the General Page, enable SCIM provisioning and Save.

  4. Go to the Provisioning tab, click Edit and make the following changes:

    1. For SCIM connector base URL, enter

    2. For Unique identifier field for users , enter userName.

    3. Under Supported provisioning actions, enable Import New Users and Profile Updates, Push New Users and Push Profile Updates.

    4. For Authentication Mode, select HTTP Header and enter the previously created API key as the Token.

    5. Click Save

  5. On the Provisioning tab, click Edit next to Provisioning to App.

    1. Enable Create Users, Update User Attributes and Deactivate Users.

    2. Click Save.

  6. Under Attribute Mappings perform the following changes:

    1. Delete all mappings except userName, givenName and familyName.

    2. Click Go to Profile Editor, click Add Attribute and create an attribute with the following details:

      Display name: Role

      Variable name: role

      External name: role

      External namespace: urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:core:2.0:User

  7. Navigate back to the Provisioning page.

  8. Under Attribute Mappings do the following:

    1. Click Show Unmapped Attributes

    2. Find the Role attribute and click the edit icon.

    3. Under Attribute value select Map from Okta Profile and choose buildBuddyRole as the source attribute.

    4. For Apply on, select Create and update

    5. Click Save to finish adding the attribute.

By default, users that do not have the attribute field set will be created with the developer role.

You can modify the attribute value in Okta if you wish to grant them a different role.

Azure AD / Entra

  1. Within Entra, open the BuildBuddy application that was created for SAML integration.

  2. Go to the Provisioning page.

  3. Under the Manage section of side-bar, select Provisioning.

  4. Change Provisioning Mode to Automatic.

  5. Under Admin Credentials, enter the following information:

    1. Tenant URL:

    2. Secret Token: Enter the value of the Org admin key that was created earlier.

    3. Press Save

  6. After pressing Save in the previous step, you should see a new Mappings section. Under that section do the following:

    1. Open Provision Microsoft Entra ID Groups and set Enabled to No as BuildBuddy does not support syncing groups. Save and return to the previous page.

    2. Open Provision Microsoft Entra ID Users and make the following changes:

      1. Delete all mappings except userName, active, name.givenName and name.familyName

      2. Ensure the userName mapping matches the attribute that was configured for SAML login.

        e.g. If SAML claims were configured to use user.mail then the userName mapping should also be set to user.mail.

      3. Add an attribute for the application role:

        Type: expression

        Expression: SingleAppRoleAssignment([appRoleAssignments])

        Target attribute: roles[primary eq "True"].value

  7. The last step is to configure the BuildBuddy specific roles:

    1. From the main Entra page, open the App registrations page.

    2. Click on the BuildBuddy application (you may need to select All applications to see it)

    3. Go to the App roles page.

    4. Delete the Users role.

    5. Create a role for each BuildBuddy role to use.

      The available roles are "admin", "developer", "writer", "reader".

      The display name should exactly match one of the values listed above and the value can be anything.

      When sending role information downstream, Entra only sends the role display name, ignoring the role value.