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8 posts tagged with "engineering"

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Unusual Builds with Bytes

· 10 min read
Son Luong Ngoc
Solution Engineer @ BuildBuddy

We discovered a bug in Bazel that was causing builds with --remote_download_minimal to download all output artifacts.

A fix has been submitted upstream to the Bazel repository and will be included in the Bazel 9.x release. It will also be cherry-picked back to versions 8.2.0 and 7.6.0.

Users on older versions of Bazel can work around this issue by setting --experimental_remote_cache_ttl to a large value, such as 10000d, with some caveats.

Troubleshooting Bazel with Git Bisect

· 13 min read
Son Luong Ngoc
Solution Engineer @ BuildBuddy

Upgrading Bazel and the related dependencies can sometimes lead to unexpected issues. These issues can range from build failures to runtime errors, and generally, they can be hard to troubleshoot.

So today, we will discuss how to narrow down the root cause of build failures after a dependency upgrade using git bisect.

Why is my Bazel build so slow?

· 15 min read
Maggie Lou
Software Engineer @ BuildBuddy

The promise of Bazel is the promise of fast builds. So what do you do if your build was slow? Curse out the developer that convinced your company to migrate to Bazel? Of course not! You’d never do that, right? 🙂

BuildBuddy is here to help. Bazel provides a lot of helpful information to debug slow builds, but it can be overwhelming to know where to look.

Buck2 Unboxing

· 20 min read
Son Luong Ngoc
Solution Engineer @ BuildBuddy

Recently Meta announced the release of Buck2, their official build tool that was rewritten in Rust. I got a chance to try it and integrate it with BuildBuddy's Remote Cache and Remote Build Execution offerings.

Here are the initial impressions I have after a week of using Buck2.

How We Use ClickHouse to Analyze Trends Across Millions of Builds

· 3 min read
Lulu Zhang
Engineer @ BuildBuddy

When you use Buildbuddy with Bazel to build and test software, Buildbuddy captures information about each Bazel invocation, such as number of builds, build duration, remote cache performance, and more. Buildbuddy has a Trends page to visualize trends in this data over time.

The trends page allows you to see how improvements you are making to your builds affects your average build duration and other stats. It also exposes areas that might need improving. For example, if you see the cache hit rate go down over time, your build might have some non-deterministic build actions that could be improved, or some newly introduced dependencies that result in more frequent cache invalidations.

Bazel Remote Cache Debugging

· 5 min read
Brandon Duffany
Engineer @ BuildBuddy

Using a remote cache is a great way to speed up your Bazel builds! But by default, Bazel uploads almost everything to the remote cache.

If your network is slow and your build artifacts are very large (like a docker image) this can lead to poor performance.

To address this, and make it easier to fix, we built the new cache requests card.

In this post we'll explore what insights this card can give you into your builds, as well as some fun details about how the card works under the hood.

Distributed Scheduling for Faster Builds

· 7 min read
Tyler Williams
Co-founder @ BuildBuddy

Let's start with "what's BuildBuddy" for the kids in back. In short, we provide a UI, distributed cache, and remote execution platform for your Bazel builds. That means we securely compile your code, cache the artifacts, and help you visualize the results. We make it possible to build projects like Tensorflow from your laptop in under 5 minutes instead of 90 minutes.

Obviously to do all this, we have to handle some thorny engineering challenges, one of which is scheduling remote executions. For that, we have a scheduler. The scheduler just matches actions (basically jobs) received by our API to remote workers that actually do the work. If you think of a full build of something like Tensorflow as a 10 course meal, a single action is like a recipe for a tiny part of that meal. To make it easier to visualize, here's a real action from building BuildBuddy: